The Fine and Performing Arts Center season calendar is set, and does not have availability for rentals through August 2025. We will be gathering rental inquiries for the 2025-26 season starting April 1, 2025.

The Fine and Performing Arts Center facilities are primarily used for college and professional series events. Space is also available for rent to outside organizations on a limited basis, 费用可能会有变化. The Venue requires a signed contract and non-refundable payment of 25% of the rental cost. Rentals协议, 责任保险证明书, 附加投保背书, and the final rental payment is due 30 business days prior to the event. Please note college events always receive first preference, and rental contracts may not be finalized until space-usage requirements for academic programs, 美术和表演艺术中心活动, and other college programs have been scheduled and confirmed.

设施 are never available for rent during time periods when the college is officially closed.

For additional questions and information, email




The FPAC is not able to accommodate events that have more than 100 performers or participants.


  • One technical director or assistant technical director for up to 8 hours
  • 两名舞台管理人员工作长达8小时
  • One front-of-house event coordinator for up to 8 hours
  • 一名房屋经理最多工作4小时
  • One box office associate for up to 4 hours
  • 4个引座员,最多4小时
    It is at the discretion of the venue management to add additional personnel. Any additional staffing needs will be at the renter’s expense.


  • 多萝西·门克剧院 for 8 consecutive hours (包括强制性的30分钟休息时间)
  • 可容纳575人
  • 一般舞台灯光
  • 一般音频服务
  • 两张8英尺的桌子,边上铺着黑色亚麻布
  • 两个黑色画架
    额外的设备, special lighting or special sound support needed will be at the renter's expense.




  • One technical director or assistant technical director for up to 4 hours
  • 两名舞台管理人员工作长达4小时
    It is at the discretion of the venue management to add additional personnel.
    Any additional staffing needs will be at the renter’s expense.


  • 多萝西·门克剧院 for 4 consecutive hours (包括强制性的30分钟休息时间)
  • 可容纳575人
  • 一般舞台灯光
  • 一般音频服务
MenkerInt D707CAM115

多萝西·门克剧院 Venue Specifications


  • Main Floor: 387 plus 3 wheelchair and 3 companion seats
  • Balcony: 162 plus 2 wheelchair and 2 companion seats
  • 包厢:16个
  • 总座位数:575

  • 最远座位:51 ' - 6 '
  • 最近座位:5英尺
  • 礼堂最大宽度:76 ' -5 "
  • 礼堂最小宽度:56 ' -0 "
  • 管弦乐队和阳台有两条通道



  • 24 1/2 '高x 40 '宽
  • 传送门腿提供可变的开口
  • To back wall: 34 1/2’ (from house face of proscenium wall)
  • To front of stage: 0’ without Orchestra Cover; 9 1/2’ with Orchestra Cover (from house face of proscenium wall)


  • 舞台右墙:33 1/2 '
  • 到舞台左墙:45英尺


  • 舞台右侧:13 1/2 ' x 30 '
  • 舞台左侧:25 ' x 30 '
  • 舞台地板
  • 休眠系统,罗宾的生物通道.
    The floor is painted flat black, stage screws and nails are acceptable


  • 留给插件的舞台.
  • 两个200安培. / 3 PH服务阶段左
  • 离舞台开始7英尺.
  • 裸线连接到面板.
  • Interface between road and house lighting equipment is DMX 512 C.



  • Main Curtain (Indigo Blue Color): Guillotine and Travel Control located 阶段 Right
  • Single Purchase Counterweight System with 28 lines on 9”/0.15米中心
  • 栅格高度:60 '
    1600 lb. 线路负荷
  • First available line from plaster: 3’ – 4” (line #4)
  • Last available line from plaster: 23’ – 4” (line #26)Permanently hung cyclorama: 27’ – 9” from plaster
  • Cyc curtain is constructed of white, filled scrim 26 1/2’ h x 51’ w, light blue
  • Masking inventory: 2 panels, 5 leg sets with tabs and 5 borders, all black velour


  • 标准板条长度为52英尺
  • Battens #3, 18, 25 are electric – these are not suitable for scenic or moving pieces


  • Standard sets require 3 bricks for batten weight and have a 1600 lb. 管道容量
  • 整块砖重44磅.半块砖重22磅.




  • One technical director or assistant technical director for up to 8 hours
  • 两名舞台管理人员工作长达8小时
  • One front-of-house event coordinator for up to 8 hours
  • 一名房屋经理最多工作4小时
  • One box office associate for up to 4 hours
  • 两名引座员服务4小时
    It is at the discretion of the venue management to add additional personnel. Any additional staffing needs will be at the renter’s expense.


  • 约翰和安吉琳·奥雷慕斯 Theater for 8 consecutive hours
  • 座位125人
  • 一般剧院照明
  • 一般音频服务
  • 两张8英尺的桌子,边上铺着黑色亚麻布
  • 两个黑色画架
    额外的设备, special lighting or special sound support needed will be at the renter's expense.
OrmeausInt D707CAM127

约翰和安吉琳·奥雷慕斯 Rehearsal Rental



  • One technical director or assistant technical director for up to 4 hours
  • 两名舞台管理人员工作长达4小时
    It is at the discretion of the venue management to add additional personnel. Any additional staffing needs will be at the renter’s expense.


  • 约翰和安吉琳·奥雷慕斯 for 4 consecutive hours
  • 座位125人
  • 一般舞台灯光
  • 一般音频服务




  • 一名活动协调员,最多4小时
    It is at the discretion of the venue management to add additional personnel. Any additional staffing needs will be at the renter’s expense.


  • 独奏会房间 – Room F120 for 4 consecutive hours
  • 座位75人
  • 一张8英尺的桌子,用黑色亚麻布做裙边
  • 一个黑色画架

Additional Rental Services and equipment

  • 雅马哈三角钢琴每天250美元
  • 钢琴调音每架200美元
  • 每张桌子10美元
  • 每架5美元
  • 每10把椅子30美元
  • 每把椅子5美元
  • 音乐摊位每10个摊位10美元
  • Marley Dance Floor $750 install + $200 per day
    o Hard and tap shoes are not allowed on marley floor
  • Acoustical Shell $250 install + $100 per day
  • Additional technical crew or front-of-house staffing pricing upon request
  • 投影仪每天100美元
  • Video Screen $250 install + $100 per day
  • 平台安装费用为250美元+每天100美元
  • 每天200美元
  • Custom Lighting Plot pricing upon request
  • 根据要求定制合理的定价
  • All rental events in Menker Theater must use the FPAC Box Office ticketing. 按要求定价服务
  • 绿色房间每天150美元
    o Ensemble dressing room $150 per room, per day
  • 服装店每天300美元
  • 管弦乐队每天收费300美元


  • Dressing/Makeup/绿色的房间s are in the basement, directly underneath the stage – accessible via stairway on stage right and left, 和电梯
  • Two cast dressing rooms – capacity (7+) each, includes sink, private toilet and shower
  • All dressing rooms include lights, chairs, sink, toilets and showers
  • One star dressing room, includes private sink, toilet and shower
  • Costume Shop can be used as a Wardrobe Room.
  • 一个绿色房间. 绿色的房间 includes sink, refrigerator, table and chairs


  • Located in the main entrance of the building
  • Public access restrooms located on first and second floors.
  • One gender-neutral bathroom located on second floor
  • Access for the public to seating is back of house on first floor and second floor
  • Access for performers to the house can be made directly from the stage
  • Box Office is located in the atrium near the south doors’ entrance


  • 装货码头与舞台地面齐平
  • 码头距地面高度:4 '
  • Loading door measures: 9’6” wide x 10’ high
  • Loading door at stage: 12’ wide x 12’ tall
  • Distance to stage: 15’Shore power available


  • Orchestra Pit measures: 40’ wide x 9 1/2’ to 5 1/2’ on ends
  • Performance level: 7’ x 0” below stage level
  • Accommodates up to 14 musicians at 30 sq. 每位音乐家
  • 乐队坑是一个机械升降机
  • Stairway on stage right and left can be added